Swan Cleaning Services Ltd would like to let you know what data we hold, how it is stored and how we use it.

We only hold data about your first name/surname, job title and mobile phone number (if you have given this to us) and data relating to your company (e-mail address, your company name, address, phone and fax details). We may also hold bank payment details where appropriate.

The basis for holding this information is 'Contractual' because we need this information to be able to trade with you. We take your privacy seriously and will only use this data to administer your account and to provide details or information that you have expressly requested.

The data is stored securely within our database and is backed up regularly and is protected using up-to-date security software and IT protection which contain firewalls.

We will never disclose your data to any third party or sell or transfer our e-mail database.

To comply under the new GDPR regulations, if you are happy for us to continue to contact you and opt in, all you have to do is update your preferences by replying to our email. If we do not hear from you we will assume you are happy for us to hold your details.